- Seismic Re-processing
- Seismic structural and stratigraphic Interpretation
- Seismic Inversion
- Petrophysical analysis
- Geological Analysis & Modelling (including Fracture Network Modelling)
- Reservoir Engineering Study (Well test interpretations, wells modelling, material balance analysis, PVT modelling)
- Dynamic reservoir modelling (dual medium simulation): model building, history-matching, gas cycling forecast and sensitivity analysis.
- Economics study
- Subsurface Engineering assistance to the Owner: Call for tenders for Subsurface EPC, tenders evaluation, Drilling contracting,
- Reservoir study (update of 3D geological and dynamic models)
- Assistance for the design of storage wells
- Preparation of subsurface monitoring plan and performance plan for subsurface and surface facilities
- 3D seismic survey management (2017)
- Drilling supervision and technical assistance during the subsurface construction
- Feasibility study for the conversion to natural gas storage including:
- Reservoir modelling,
- Basic design of surface facilities and wells
- Cost estimate and economics analysis
- On-going: Owner’s Engineering for the field exploration and extended design phase
- Assistance to conversion to UGS facility, Feasibility and Subsurface Basic Design studies
- Seismic interpretation
- Petrophysical analysis
- Well tests design and interpretation
- Construction and history-matching of a 3D reservoir model.
- Reservoir follow-up and technical assistance to storage operation.
- 3D reservoir model update & history-matching
- Recommendation for new monitoring wells
placement using the 3D model
- Capacity extension studies using the 3D model
- Assessment of conversion potential
- Reservoir geological modelling
- Reservoir dynamic modelling and simulation: History-matching and preliminary gas storage cycling forecast
- Consultancy and Subsurface Engineering services: Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering. Involvement in feasibility study, subsurface evaluations, monitoring plan, due diligence studies…
- Assistance to preparation and execution of the development drilling campaign
- Follow-up of data acquisition during the drilling campaign
- Geological, petrophysical and geophysical interpretations
- Geophysical interpretation
- Reservoir modelling and dynamic simulation
- Assistance to storage operation