Southern Pines – Energy Center


  • Well architecture
  • Leaching program
  • Schedule & Cost


  • Cavern construction
  • Leaching program update
  • Site supervision of well interventions
  • Cavern Acceptance Test (CAT)
  • Assistance to debrining operations
  • Snubbing & Commissioning
  • Solution Mining Under Gas (SMUG)
  • Capacity creation schedule
  • Operator training


  • Gas inventory management
  • Storage performance optimization
  • Mechanical Integrity Test (MIT)


  • Leaching program
  • Schedule & Cost


  • Leaching Program Updates
  • Capacity Creation Schedule
  • Work-Over and Wireline Operations
  • Cavern Acceptance Test (CAT)
  • Assistance to Debrining Operations
  • Schedule & Cost Control
  • Operator Training


  • Gas Inventory Management
  • Storage Performance Optimization
  • Preliminary and feasibility
  • Basic design study
  • Assistance to detailed design and procurement
  • Assistance to construction, acceptance tests and commissioning
  • Assistance to operation
  • Seismic Re-processing
  • Seismic structural and stratigraphic Interpretation
  • Seismic Inversion
  • Petrophysical analysis
  • Geological Analysis & Modelling (including Fracture Network Modelling)
  • Reservoir Engineering Study (Well test interpretations, wells modelling, material balance analysis, PVT modelling)
  • Dynamic reservoir modelling (dual medium simulation): model building, history-matching, gas cycling forecast and sensitivity analysis.
  • Economics study
  • Subsurface Engineering assistance to the Owner: Call for tenders for Subsurface EPC, tenders evaluation, Drilling contracting,
  • Reservoir study (update of 3D geological and dynamic models)
  • Assistance for the design of storage wells
  • Preparation of subsurface monitoring plan and performance plan for subsurface and surface facilities
  • 3D seismic survey management (2017)
  • Drilling supervision and technical assistance during the subsurface construction
  • Feasibility study for the conversion to natural gas storage including:
    • Reservoir modelling,
    • Basic design of surface facilities and wells
    • Cost estimate and economics analysis
  • On-going: Owner’s Engineering for the field exploration and extended design phase
  • Wide involvement since 35 years
  • Preliminary and feasibility studies,
  • Basic design, Wells design,
  • Wells drilling supervision,
  • Assistance to surface facilities construction,
  • Supervision of acceptance tests, commissioning and start-up,
  • Assistance to administrative authorizations,
  • Training of operators and preparation of operating documents,
  • Assistance to operation and reservoir follow-up,
  • Supervision of expansion phases (volume and flow-rate increases),
  • Continuous involvement in all kind of G&G, reservoir, wells and drilling studies.
  • Assistance to conversion to UGS facility, Feasibility and Subsurface Basic Design studies
  • Seismic interpretation
  • Petrophysical analysis
  • Well tests design and interpretation
  • Construction and history-matching of a 3D reservoir model.
  • Reservoir follow-up and technical assistance to storage operation.
  • 3D reservoir model update & history-matching
  • Recommendation for new monitoring wells
    placement using the 3D model
  • Capacity extension studies using the 3D model
  • Assessment of conversion potential
  • Reservoir geological modelling
  • Reservoir dynamic modelling and simulation: History-matching and preliminary gas storage cycling forecast

Come tell us about your project

Geostock provides a complete range of services covering the entire life cycle of an underground storage project.

Contact us

Cavité minée – Mined Roeck Cavern
Control room of operated site
Shalapa site operated by Geostock