Gender Equality

Index 2024


Gender Equality: A Ttop priority at Geostock

At Geostock, we are truly committed to enhancing gender equality in our workplace. We believe that this issue is fundamental to ensure a healthy and equitable work environment for all our employees.

All companies with at least 50 employees are required to calculate and publish their Gender Equality Index each year no later than March 1st. This obligation, established by the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Insertion, aims to combat pay and career inequalities between men and women in companies.

At Geostock, we take this obligation very seriously, and we work throughout the year to improve our Index.

Geostock achieves an 89/100 index score in 2024

For the year 2024, we have achieved a score of 89/100. This number serves as an indicator for salary transparency, internal promotion, and equal opportunities.

At Geostock, we firmly believe that gender equality is not only a legal obligation, but also a significant economic and social issue. We are therefore committed to continuing our efforts towards achieving gender equality, in order to provide all our employees with a fair and rewarding work environment.

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Geostock provides a complete range of services covering the entire life cycle of an underground storage project.

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Cavité minée – Mined Roeck Cavern
Control room of operated site
Shalapa site operated by Geostock